Methods of Harnessing Energy What is Geothermal Energy?
Methods of Harnessing Energy What is Geothermal Energy?
Geothermal is derived from the Greek terms geo (meaning earth) and (meaning heat). Convective circulation plays a crucial part in bringing heat to the surface from the heated interior of the Earth.
Our Earth’s crust is a result of millions of active volcanoes and huge amounts of magma, and a lot of cooling beneath the surface. The constant and extensive volcanic activity has resulted in the creation of many precious natural resources across the globe.
Geothermal Energy from power plants can be extracted from groundwater that has been heated by massive, hot magma bodies. Extract the energy of Brantley 1994, Volcanoes located in the United States. USGS General Interest Publication.
The deep circulation of groundwater around fracture zones will bring heat down to shallower levels. The heat is gathered over a large area , and then concentrated in close to the tanks that store water on the surface or it can be discharged into hot springs. The reservoirs could contain hot water or even a stream.
These reservoirs’ hot water or steam can be directly pumped to the surface. The low-energy waste water is usually reinjected into the storage tank or used to heat the tank for. This technology can be used to generate electricity as well as heat for home and industrial uses.
The reliability, economy, sustainability, and green nature of geothermal energy have been proven (World Bank Group, 2004).
There are two primary kinds of minerals: (1) high temperature resources and (2) moderate/low temperature resources. Geothermal resources that are high temperature that can attain temperatures as high as 220 degrees Celsius or higher typically, are found in volcanic areas as well as island chains.
All continents have moderate-low temperature resources. High temperatures are used almost exclusively for power production and the vast majority of the resources with low temperatures are used for direct heating or for agriculture and aquaculture.
What is the process behind Harnessing Geothermal Energy?
Today, there are three kinds of geothermal power stations in operation.
Steam plants that directly use geothermal steam. The steam power plant that use dry steam use very heated steam (>455 degrees Fahrenheit or >235 temperatures Celsius) and only a small amount of reservoir water. The steam flows directly through a pipe and is sent to a turbine which spins a generator in order to produce electricity. This is the oldest type of geothermal energy station. It was first utilized in 1904 in Lardarello, Italy. Geysers are found in North California are one example of dry steam production (Green Jobs 2002).
Flash Steam Plants use high pressure hot water to produce steam when the temperature is low. Steam power plant flashes use hot water from the geothermal reservoir at a temperature of >360degF or >182degC. The reservoir’s pressure is released when the water is delivered to an electric generator.
A sudden drop in pressure causes some water to evaporate and turn into steam. The steam spins a motor that generates electricity. Dry steam and flash steam produce only a small amount of carbon dioxide, sulfur oxide, and nitric Ox. However, this is 50 % less than conventional fossil fuel power plants.
Binary Cycle Plants use water at moderate temperatures (225 to 360degFor 107 up to 182degC) from the geothermal reserve. Geothermal fluids that are hot can be heated through moving through one end of the exchanger.
For electricity generation The fluid that is used to generate electricity is usually an organic compound with low boiling points, such as Isobutane or Isopentane. Then it’s vaporized, and then pumped through turbines.
The Kalina Cycle utilizes an ammonia-water fluid as a working fluid. Based on Green Jobs 2002, the Kalina Cycle system increases geothermal plant efficiency and reduces the cost of construction. According to the manufacturers.
The geothermal power station as shown on the right is located in the Casa Diablo geothermal field. Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.
Geothermal Energy: Applications
- Space/District Heating - Plans which use geothermal energy to provide more than 80percent of Reykjavik’s central heating needs are in use in many other towns in the USA, Poland, and Hungary. A plan to make use of hot water from oil fields in Poland to replace district heating based on coal is being supported through the World Bank (World Bank Group 2004).
- Aquaculture and Agriculture - Plants, soils, and fish ponds with geothermal activity may boost plant and fish growth even in moderate temperatures and more cold climates. One example that has been successful can be found in the Oserian Farm which is located in Kenya (World Flowers 2005).
- Power Generation - Geothermal power generation can produce a power output of more than 8000 MW and is an established technology. It is particularly popular in islands or countries which heavily rely on imported fossil fuels (World Bank Group 2004).
Geothermal Energy Costs
The cost of geothermal energy generated can be as low as 4.5-7 cents an hour. While this is comparable to some fossil fuel facilities however, it should be noted that geothermal power generation results in an impressive reduction in the amount of pollution.
The scope of the project and its quality, as well as the cost of financing, as well as ownership will all affect the delivered costs.
Geothermal power plants require a significant amount of capital, but have relatively low variable costs and low energy costs.
The financing structure is usually designed so that the capital expenses of the project are due within 15 years. It provides power at 5-10C/kWh.
The costs of operating the facility for the next 15-30 years are covered by maintenance and operations.
Geothermal Energy has other advantages
- The air pollution could be lessen: Current geothermal fields emit about one-sixth the amount of CO2 as power generated by a gas-powered electricity station, and they produce no NOx or sulphur. (NOx) or sulfur (SOx).
The latest state-of-the-art combination cycle as well as geothermal binary plants emit almost no air pollution. Every 1,000 MW of geothermal energy will help offset around 1.9 million pounds harmful as well as harmful pollution in Western skies.
It will also offset nearly 8 trillion pounds climate change CO2 emissions per year generated by gas-fired power plants and much more from coal-fired power plants.
- Energy sources that are renewable: all types of geothermal energy are renewable as long as the heat exchangers derived from the earth are not greater than the heat absorption by the thermal reservoir. Once it has been depleted, a geothermal reservoir used for electricity generation can take hundreds of years to replenish.
Recovering a district heating system reservoir can take between 100 and 200 years. Recovering the geothermal heat pump reservoir may take 30 years.
- Reduce dependence on electricity imported: Geothermal energy is produced locally, which helps reduce trade deficits. The trade deficit can be cut to ensure that wealth stays in the country and encourage healthier economies. If imported oil was substituted by domestic resources, nearly half of each year’s U.S. trade deficit could be reduced (Green Jobs 2004,).
Geothermal energy is a proven source of energy from waves that has been around for over 100 years. It is only now that we understand that it is a potential source of energy to supplement or replace our current renewable energy resources.
It is believed that the United States has the majority of the geothermal resources located within the western region, including Texas and. Geothermal energy is reliable cheap, clean, and safe, but this limited use appears to be its main drawback. Geothermal energy only accounts for a fraction of the solar energy that is scattered on the earth’s surface, in comparison to other options like solar. There is the potential to be improved.
While geothermal energy units are capable of being developed, their techniques and technologies have remained virtually unchanged. It is important to consider the benefits of alternative energy sources while we seek them out.
Five ways to harness the original source of renewable energy Human power
Wind-up phone charger
Mobile phone users who have a habit of staying connected should not be too far away from their power source or fear their battery going out. This “Reactor” iPhone case is fitted with a super-thin generator. It allows you to recharge your battery on your own through the control plugged into its back. Although this method of power generation might not be new, it sheds light on the possibility that human energy could be utilized to provide the power needed for emergencies and is available when needed.
Gravity-powered light
Designing a human-powered product can be difficult because it requires less effort to generate power. Gravity Light solves this problem by making use of the potential of gravity. To lift the sandbag weight, all it takes is one shot of power. The weight slowly drops until it can rotate a spur gear system, which powers the LED for 20 minutes.
Human harvesting
Parasitic harvesting is the method that generates wind power through normal activities such as walking. The NPowerPEG is a tube-shaped hand-held device that you can clip to your belt or backpack. It generates power from motion by using a spring, magnet or an inductive coil. Although it doesn’t generate enough energy to run large-watt electronics such as laptops and tablets The concept is excellent power efficiency as well as battery tech.
Flywheel kitchen gadgets
Modern devices powered by humans do not rely only on the generation of electricity. Christoph Thetard’s flywheel drive RB2B powers a range of kitchen appliances. The flywheel can spin at 10,000 RPM through a geared transmission with mechanical power of 350 W. The energy generated by the wave can be used to run multiple attachments, including knives, slicing disks and whisk. While it isn’t clear what the practicality of this gadget is however, the creator deserves praise for introducing a concept which challenges the conventional belief that gadgets powered by humans must be mobile and battery-powered.
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