How to protect your solar panels from birds

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How to protect your solar panels from birds

While measures to protect birds are usually considered as a method to stop birds that nest within or around your solar panel system they’re also an excellent way to safeguard your investment so you don’t lose them to predators such as squirrels and coyotes.

By restricting access to shelter and food, wildlife services often work to prevent animals from human-made facilities. By providing cover over your solar panel you are creating an obstacle that blocks hungry animals or animals that are stuck coming near them. An example of this are small frogs, that can grow as much as 3 inches (7.6 cm) in length and consume smaller insects, such as termites or gnat eggs. The protection of solar panels by net fencing provides an inexpensive method of protecting your investment in solar panels.

When looking through all the available options, choose an additional story for greater security. The added height helps to scare birds away.

How to protect Solar Panels from Bird Droppings

Bird droppings can lead to serious health problems and are a nuisance. The problem is that droppings of pigeons can be the source of more than 60 deadly diseases. Certain pathogens may even be fatal. A build-up of droppings can be very dangerous for health.

A study done by an agency that inspects solar panels has proven that regular inspection is essential to ensure that your panels are protected from loss or damage caused by unpredictable weather conditions. Bird droppings from the sky could also cause damage to panels. Bird droppings may cause corrosion and structural damage to solar panels. It is therefore recommended that you get an insect guard for your solar panels.

The heating, cooling, and ventilation systems in the buildings are affected by birds waste.

Many birds consider the top ridge of solar panels as a perfect perching place. The result is that they drop their droppings that cover the panels that block sunlight.

Below is a checklist of alternatives to safeguard your solar panels from birds.

Bird Proofing Solar Panels

There are numerous methods of bird proofing solar panels. The most common methods involve netting or mesh as an physical barrier. Although anti bird spikes are frequently used, birds will still be able to get around them if they aren’t properly installed and maintained.

It is vital to remember that all species are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order 1986. To intentionally injure or kill an gull, or inflicting damage to a nest or its contents, is considered to be illegal. It is against the law within Scotland as well as Northern Ireland to stop birds from entering their nests and it is illegal to disturb nesting birds.

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When it comes time to install solar panels you’ll have to ensure they’re not dangerous for birds. In the wrong circumstances, they could become prey for birds or be injured from wildlife.

There are two different types of solar panel protection techniques which can be utilized when installing solar panels:

Protect your investment

If you are investing either time or money into solar panel systems, you want to be sure to protect your solar panels from birds.

Birds can be extremely harmful to solar panels. In some cases, birds can actually dig in the ground near the panel seeking out other animals. When you put up bird netting that they can be kept from the grid and the utility line at the bottom of the panel that is home to electricity.

Bird netting also works well when you have a larger group of people working around the solar array with different duties. It allows for a place where they don’t need to be concerned about coming into contact with one another or being stuck in traffic.

It also helps prevent conflicts between them. But even though you’ve got more people doesn’t mean you have less control over the actions they take. The increase in personnel means a decrease in productivity.

Netting solves the problem of keeping birds out, but it does not solve the issue of keeping animals away. For this reason, many recommend combining bird netting and animal repellents such as urine/bird droppings or scent tapes as well as swatters.

They help protect solar panels much better than human beings, but they will cost you more money. You can get tape and chemicals from most hunt store.

Light Bumb

Cost of bird damage How to install solar panels bird netting

Depending upon your location the process of installation for solar panel netting can vary from easy to complex. There are two basic methods you can use for attaching your panels onto the frames of the net enclosure. You could make use of bolts or use clamps.

The kind of fence that will best serve your purposes will be determined by a variety of aspects, including the type of fence you’ll need and the amount of damage that can be that birds can cause to existing fencing.

While most electric fences feature some kind of spot-control capability however, there are additional functions available for specific applications. These range from providing interval-based shock settings to keep animals from each other from each other, to the ability to restrict certain areas of your property.

Installation should take only just a few minutes compared to the overall maintenance of the electrical fence. This way, you won’t have to spend a long time installing new fences after which they get together to discuss how to put up another set of nets.

Today, it’s simple to find affordable LED lights that look similar to incandescent bulbs. It is possible to purchase nearly every type of light source to use as an outdoor lighting fixture.

You should think about keeping the main structure of your yard uncluttered and all you need to do during installation is put the netting over the top of your yard and secure it to the ground by using clips. This makes cutting back unwanted areas of plants much more straightforward.


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